What Causes Cellulite?

Cellulite is most common in people over age 25 who have excess fat, but even young, fit people can have cellulite—in fact, 80% to 90% of all women and 10% of men have it. It usually appears on the thighs or butt, though it can also show up on the arms and abdomen.

It isn’t directly caused by excess fat, though losing weight can improve the look of cellulite.

Cellulite’s root cause lies in the structure of the tissue beneath the skin, where you have a layer of fat overlying a sheet of fascia, the connective tissue covering our muscles.

Women have fibrous bands, called septa, running vertically between the skin and fascia that bundles fat into honeycomb-like compartments. (Men’s tissue has crisscrossing rather than vertical bands — a more tightly woven structure that makes fat less likely to protrude.) When hormone levels surge in response to pregnancy or aging, the connective bands can stiffen, tugging the skin down and compressing the fat until it bulges out if its compartment.

Cellulite can also form or worsen as women head into menopause. Lower estrogen levels decrease collagen production, which thins the skin and makes it less elastic while enlarging fat cells. All this conspires to make any lumps more obvious.

A slower metabolism and lower circulation can also play a role, along with other genetic factors.

Cellulite can be ranked on this severity scale:

  • Grade 1: Mild cellulite, sometimes called “orange-peel cellulite,” has one to four superficial dimples and slightly sagging skin.
  • Grade 2: Moderate cellulite, commonly called “cottage cheese cellulite,” shows five to nine deeper dimples, with more skin sagging.
  • Grade 3: Severe cellulite has what’s known as a “mattress” look, from 10 or more deeper dimples. It’s usually accompanied by more significant skin sagging.


Can you get rid of cellulite?

Doctors don’t yet have a permanent solution for cellulite. However, there are several cellulite reduction treatments that can improve its appearance. In most cases, you’ll need follow-up sessions to keep the lumps at bay.

There are many ways to tackle body contouring when diet and exercise don’t seem to work on stubborn, small areas of fat. Discover the best treatment for your body with an in-depth consultation.

Do results last?

As adults, we do not produce new fat cells. The cells that are destroyed or removed during both surgical and nonsurgical procedures will not come back. However, fat cells do expand when we gain weight. To protect your results after treatment, you will want to maintain a healthy lifestyle including diet and exercise.

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Cellulite Treatment

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