Conditions & Causes

People develop love handles and belly fat for a few key reasons.

Genetics plays a role in where you gain weight, but the pattern of storing fat in the belly and flanks is more typical of men at any age. In fact, 62% of fat cells in men are located in their trunks, according to a 2019 study. As men get older and their testosterone levels drop, they start to burn fat more slowly, which makes them even more prone to weight gain in the midsection.

Women are born with more fat cells in the hips, butt, and thighs, which is why they typically put on weight in those areas more quickly than men. However, hormonal changes as women age can result in more belly fat—hence the nickname “menopause belly” or “menopot.”

What’s the difference between subcutaneous and visceral fat?

The fat you can pinch right under the skin is called subcutaneous fat. It’s different from the deeper visceral fat that builds up in your belly and flanks, around your internal organs, potentially leading to diabetes and heart problems.

To reduce visceral fat, focus on eating more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean sources of protein. Research shows that increasing fiber intake, especially the soluble fiber found in oatmeal, citrus fruits, apples, potatoes, nuts, and seeds, helps to decrease visceral fat.

Exercise is also key. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), with its quick, intense bursts of exercise followed by short recovery periods, is particularly effective at getting rid of belly fat of any type.

Twice-weekly, whole-body strength-training sessions are also recommended. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so the more muscle you build, the more calories you’ll burn when you’re at rest.

Here’s the good news about losing visceral fat, for both men and women: as weight starts to come off with diet and exercise, it will likely disappear in your midsection first because visceral fat breaks down more quickly than other types.

What are the most effective procedures to get rid of belly fat and love handles?

Exercise and a healthy diet will help reduce fat all over your body, but you may still have pockets of resistant fat on your belly or flanks. When lifestyle changes aren’t enough, laser treatments for body contouring procedures can help.

Body-shaping treatments can successfully contour your waist and torso by removing fat cells from trouble zones such as love handles, a belly pouch, or a muffin top. Keep in mind though that none are weight-loss treatments.

There are many ways to tackle body contouring when diet and exercise don’t seem to work on stubborn, small areas of fat. Discover the best treatment for your body with an in-depth consultation.

Do results last?

As adults, we do not produce new fat cells. The cells that are destroyed or removed during both surgical and nonsurgical procedures will not come back. However, fat cells do expand when we gain weight. To protect your results after treatment, you will want to maintain a healthy lifestyle including diet and exercise.

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Love Handle Treatment

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